About Me

Name: Matt.

Description: A Christ-loving Antichrist-hating Reformed Baptist standing against professing "Christians" who would rather piss on the word of God than read it, political illiterates who would rather follow a destructive ideology than study it, and Big Tech-supporting sheep who would rather give money to a megacorporation for a bad product than avoid it.

I love: The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit; good Bible translations; good theology texts; studying politics and economics (and then writing about it)

I hate: Satan, the Antichrist, and the Kundalini; bad Bible translations; bad theology texts; bad tech (i.e. Big Tech); most political ideologies

What do I use?

My desktop: A low-end HP

Not enough RAM
Too much HDD
Goldilocks-sized screen (just right)
Garbage-tier AMD CPU
Garbage-tier AMD GPU

OS/DE: Arch Linux/Cinnamon (used to use Gnome but Cinnamon is just...better)

Text editor: Xed (because Cinnamon)

Browser: Brave (with tweaks)